Join us from 29 April till 1 May in Torbole, Lake Garda for some F4 Demo days wing and windsurf range 2022 with Jordy Vonk.
You’ll have the chance to test F4 products, be coached by Jordy Vonk and improve your skills.
Torbole, Lake Garda is a very popular destination for windsurfing and competitions are often held there. The wind from the mountains to the north gives very good windsurf conditions in the morning, and the strong winds up the lake from the south do the same in the afternoon.
The weather forecast will be on our side, so.. pack up, join Jordy and get your hands on our wing and windsurf range 2022 😉
Overview of Windsurf Freerace, Windsurf Freeride, Wing Freeride 1400 and Wing lightwind 2000.
Come back soon to check what the next location will be.